Sunday, June 7, 2020

STEM Challenge

STEM courses prove popular among Kerry students | Radio Kerry

So here was the challenge.

1. Build your name in 3D.

2. Build an animal enclosure for one of your teddies or toy animals.

3. Make a boat that can float.

4. Build a house of cards

5. Make a chain reaction.

6. Make a marble maze.

7. Build a bridge that can hold some toy cars.

8. Make a robot from recycled materials.

9. Build a tower as tall as yourself!

10. Make a paper aeroplane that can fly at least 2 metres

We have some exciting feedback:

Aine's name in 3D

Ruairi's house designs and television

An array of challenges met by Colm with a tower bigger than himself, cleverly achieved.

Ashley's Robot and Teddy enclosure.

Colm ending with a chain reaction and a pretty nifty paper aeroplane

Thank you from Mr Downey

My heartfelt thanks to the parishioners of Lusmagh for the lovely send-off you gave me on the occasion of my retirement, the beautiful mass,...