Sunday, May 24, 2020


Here are some of the Limericks that the children have come up with and sent in...

  Flying Roy   by Sorcha

There once was a boy named Roy

Who had thought he able to fly
So with that in mind
He jumped from a height
Landing flat on his behind
Oh lord what a sight!

The Man From Japan by Aine

         There once was a man from Japan,
        Who thought that he had a great plan.
        When put into action, 
        It started to fraction,
        That poor old man from Japan!

There once was a boy who was very cool
He liked to swim in a swimming pool
He liked his pie
He was a nice guy
This boy definitely wasn't a fool
by Cameron

There once was a honkey donkey.
The donkey was pretty funkey.
He lay on the floor.
And he hit a door.
He found a key next to a donkey.
by Beibhinn

There once was a dog named Timmy
He likes to play around outside with Kimmy
Timmy likes to play
He also likes to stay
When he goes to the park with Kimmy

By Therese

Thank you from Mr Downey

My heartfelt thanks to the parishioners of Lusmagh for the lovely send-off you gave me on the occasion of my retirement, the beautiful mass,...