Flying Roy by Sorcha
There once was a boy named Roy
Who had thought he able to fly
So with that in mind
He jumped from a height
Landing flat on his behind
Oh lord what a sight!
The Man From Japan by Aine
There once was a man from Japan,
Who thought that he had a great plan.
When put into action,
It started to fraction,
That poor old man from Japan!
There once was a boy who was very cool
He liked to swim in a swimming pool
He liked his pie
He was a nice guy
This boy definitely wasn't a fool
by Cameron
There once was a honkey donkey.
The donkey was pretty funkey.
He lay on the floor.
And he hit a door.
He found a key next to a donkey.
by Beibhinn
There once was a dog named Timmy
He likes to play around outside with Kimmy
Timmy likes to play
He also likes to stay
When he goes to the park with Kimmy
By Therese